Things that many people didn't know about Ender Dragon in Minecraft


image via Minecraft 

Ender Dragon has been considered as the final boss mob in Minecraft. The gigantic and flying monster is one of the strongest mobs in the game that players have to defeat before they could travel The End. 

Despite of that,  there happens to be few things that many players might not know about. 

Ender Dragon is a female

image of Ender Dragon Egg via Minecraft Fandom

Yes!  The large, flying deadly mob is a female. Since, after defeating the dragon, players get the Ender Dragon Egg as a reward.  And,  of course that would mean that the Dragon is a female. 

Not the strongest mob

image via Minecraft Fandom

Yet, being the final boss of the game, she is not the strongest. There happens to be another mob,  the Wither Boss, who is having more hp (health points) than the dragon. This makes the Ender Dragon second best in terms of hp. 


The Ender Dragon never attacks any other entity or mob, except the players. However, other mobs may get hurt when near to the dragon, and in response they might turn hostile towards her.


Notch orginally wanted to spawn the dragon anywhere in the world; however,  it can be only founded in The End.  She is the first official boss of the game,  appeared in Beta 1.9 Pre-release 6.

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