Was Ranboo (from Dream Team) banned from the Minecraft Championships?


Since entering Dream's server, Ranboo's popularity has skyrocketed. (Photo credit by gamebanana)

Ranboo is a newcomer to the worlds of YouTube and Twitch. His YouTube channel was launched on January 30th, 2020, but he didn't start streaming until September 12th, 2020. He's also a part of Dream's survival-multiplayer project, SMP.

When he announced to his stream chat on November 27th, 2020, that he will run for president of L'Manberg (a nation on Dream's survival-multiplayer server), his online audience seemed to burst. Ranboo wasn't a part of the survival-multiplayer at the time he made this comment.

Floris "Fundy" Damen and Phil "Ph1LzA" Watson, two famous streamers on Dream's survival-multiplayer, raided him later during the same stream. Dream invited Ranboo to join the server at this stage, and he agreed.

Ranboo has been accused of being barred from the Minecraft Championships, despite his contributions to Dream's survival-multiplayer. According to Reddit posts about the matter, he was banned for allegedly sending a joke to the MCC team that was misinterpreted.

Despite the widespread speculation, these reports are false. It's a standing joke between Ranboo and the MCC squad that he'll be disqualified from the Minecraft Championships.

Here's what happened from the beginning, in case anyone was confused.

The Minecraft Championships do not have a ban on Ranboo. However, he was jokingly "banned" after Smajor, the championships' organiser, said in Tubbo's stream chat:

“Can we ban Ranboo from everything? I think it’s only fair at this point.”

Despite the fact that it was said entirely in jest, Ranboo replied in kind. He announced on Twitter that he would send an email to the Minecraft Championship squad, saying:

“I have clout, please.”

The Minecraft Championship team later replied to his tweet with the following:

“Hi Ranboo. Thank you for your email. Good luck in all your future endeavours. Sincerely, MCC.”

Ranboo responded with the following tweet:

“Hello MCC. I am very confused. Am I banned? Kind regards, Ranboo.”

Although the wording of something was a little deceptive in certain respects, it was all in good fun.

Ranboo's letter to the Minecraft Championship Team was, according to Redditor Ginhavesouls, "the nicest letter they've got so far." He summed up what had happened:

“Yeah, also in the admin stream for MCC 11, noxcrew actually talked about Ranboo’s letter for consideration. Apparently it was a bit longer than what he had shown in his tweet, and the admins stated it was actually the nicest letter they had received [sic] so far. So yeah, the back-and-forth exchange is all in good fun lol.”

Osakosdemonhunter, a Reddit user, reported that the Twitter exchange was in good fun, saying:

“Nah he didn’t get banned it’s just a joke.”

Looking at Twitter, it appears that several others believe Ranboo has been barred from competing in the Minecraft Championships. Fans are attempting to separate reality from fiction by spreading word that the Minecraft star's "banning" was a joke.

But don't worry, Ranboo supporters. He hasn’t been banned from the Minecraft Championships. And there is reason to believe that Ranboo will participate in this year's championship as a result of this exchange.

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