Minecraft and the Mysterious Totem of Undying


Totem of Undying, first introduced in 1.11 update of the game,  is a rare item that can be used in combats. The item is as mysterious as Minecraft itself.  

It gives an special ability that saves a player from the unavoidable death. By using the Totem of Undying, players can stand a change against death and defeat it.

Totem of Undying might be considered as an ultimate weapon; however, finding such a thing in game is not as easy it looks. Because, this item is super rare in terms of occurrence. And, in Minecraft, it can only be found by two methods. 

How to obtain Totem of Undying? 

In the game, Totem of Undying can only be obtained in drop loot. There is certain mob, known as Evoker in Minecraft. And, Evokers is the only option for players to obtain the super rare item. 

Evokers, when killed by players or tamed wolf, drop the Totem of Undying. Additionally, one Evoker drops only one Totem, and Looting enchantment has no effect on the drop. 

Evokers are powerful mage, who only spawn in Woodland Mansion or in raids. Hence, there are two methods to obtain the Totem of Undying in the game. 

1. In Woodland Mansions:
Woodland Mansions are rare structures, but their location maps can be traded with a cartographer villager.  In the Mansion, there are three floors, and on one of them, you can face an Evoker. 

The chances of Evokers' spawn, depend upon the difficulty level. 

2. In Raids:
In Minecraft, raids can only be made when players have the "Bad Omen" effect.  Bad Omen effect can be achieved by killing the pillager's leader (the one who usually carries a banner), and then entering any village while in effect of Bad Omen, activates the raid.

Depending upon the difficulty, Evokers will spawn in the raid. And, by killing these mobs,  you can get your Totem. 

How to use Totem of Undying? 

If the player is holding the Totem, either in off-hand or main hand,  and dies suddenly;  the Totem will be consumed, and saves the player from dying. For a Totem to work, players must have to hold it in their main hand or off-hand, otherwise it will not work. 

A Totem, can only be used once in the game, then it disappears. A mob, holding Totem in his main hand,  can survive death as well. 

When the Totem is activated, it gives certain effects to the player using it. And,  these effects ultimately save the player from death. 

Totem of Undying and its Effects 

After activation, the Totem of Undying gives Regeneration, Fire Resistance, and Absorption for a brief period,  and removes all the effects that player had. 

First, it restores the health to one heart, and removes previous effects. After that, player will get Regeneration II for 40 or 45 seconds in Java and Bedrock Edition,  respectively.  Next, it gives Fire Resistance I for 40 seconds,  and Absorption II for 5 seconds. 

Hence, Totem of Undying is a very useful and rare item. And,  it can only be found by two ways;  Woodland Mansion, and raids. 

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