4 things that players don't know about Ghast in Minecraft


Ghasts are large hostile mobs, found in the Nether, floating and shooting fireballs at the player. When a ghast is killed, it'll drop Ghast tear (0-1), Gunpowder (0-2),  and 5 exp orb. 

Ghasts are found in different biomes such as Basalt Deltas,  Nether wastes and Soul Sand Valley biomes. In order to spawn a ghast,  a solid surface is required with 5x4x5 empty or free space. If there is already a ghast nearby within 16 blocks spherically, it'll stop another ghast to spawn. It is observed that usually ghasts do not spawn in the Nether Fortresses. 

1. Can move through mobs

The cube shaped mob can move through mobs in the game. However, they cannot pass through solid blocks.  This ability might make them look like a ghost, hence they are called "ghasts" for a reason.

2. Baby crying sound

Ghasts make weird crying and baby like noises which can be heard from upto 80 blocks away. The sound is actually taken from a cat, not a baby.  

Players often nickname ghast as crying baby, floating baby, etcetra. Although, in reality, it is a flying and floating jellyfish like cubic monster, making sounds of a cat. 

3. Only attack players

Ghasts do not attack other mobs or entities, but players. Their attacks can make other mobs attack a ghast, however a ghast won't attack them back. 

It is a fact that a ghast do not attack other mobs, but it might harm them. When attacking the player, nearby mobs can get some damage from its explosives. 

4. Dying from their own attack 

It might sound funny, but a ghast can die from one of its own attack. When ghasts shoot fireballs in close range at the player, the explosives might harm its owner back. Eventually, ghasts' fireballs can kill them as well. 

Ghasts are floating mobs,  introduced in 1.2.0 update. These jellyfish like creatures are dangerous in the Nether. They can destroy your portal; hence, make sure to have an extra Flint and Steel, when travelling to the Nether. 

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